Individuals can enter on the day, booklets will be available.
Minimum sponsorship of £2 is required to run. If you wish to pre-enter please complete the form below and we will reserve your running No. which you can collect at the Registration desk on the day.
If you are not a member of a school we will need an address to which we can post your certificate.


Entry Form

Title*: A value is required.Exceeded maximum number of characters.Minimum number of characters not met.
First Name*: A value is required.Exceeded maximum number of characters.
Last Name*: A value is required.Exceeded maximum number of characters.
Telephone No*: A value is required.Exceeded maximum number of characters.
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Postcode: Exceeded maximum number of characters.
email address: A value is required.Invalid format.


Pledged Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.The entered value is less than the minimum required.Exceeded maximum number of characters.The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed. Minimum pledge is £2

Youth Entry Details

Age*:(if under 16) Invalid format.
School:(if under 16)
Remarks: Exceeded maximum number of characters.
Boxes marked with * are mandatory, all the remaining items are optional. If we have your email address we will
send you details of the results. None of the information you provide will be used for anything other than the Glossop Fun Run.
No details will be passed to any third parties.